mandag 4. november 2019

XP 23 NXP - Survival Without Recovery (Darknes Dosen´t Fade Away) (DL) (4 November 2019)

This is a compilation off tracks that where left over from albums, rejected to compilations, tracks that i could not fit in with anyone else. Some have been on my PC from the 1980´s, others not. The newest track is from 2018, so this is my catharsis. I am cleaning the table so to speak.

Many thanx to Liz Berg for kind permission to use her field recording on the track Domestic Disturbance.

Music, cover, producer, mix, photo and everything else NXP (except som stolen samples here and there)

This release is released by Paranoia Is Freedom (PIF 47) and Requiem Productions (XP 23)

DL and info here

1 After Being Betrayed
2 Black Cosmos
3 Domestic Disturbance
4 215050
5 Ripping Steel Walls
6 Look Nancy Is Scratching III
7 Spinal Crackdown #2
8 Train From Nowhere
9 A Question....
10 Second Comming
11 Power, More Power.....
12 This Is Hell, Yes (No Mix)
13 Satans Bullshit
14 When Pain Exceeds
15 Emptiness Is Everything
16 The End

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